Here’s the latest Gardening Blog from Ellen Mary, host of The Gardening Show on Future Radio! Sponsored by PlantGrow.
February has come around fast hasn’t it?
It seems like just last week we were celebrating the new year. Now that January is over, Gardeners will be starting to plan for seed sowing soon. I urge patience! Seeds tend to germinate from March and grow stronger when the weather warms up. Apart from sweet peas and broad beans, nothing much else gets done in my garden until towards the second half of next month.
February can be a tale of two weather systems and us gardeners do like to keep a close eye on the forecast don’t we? The sun and blue sky on a late winters day is so good for the soul and a great opportunity to get outside for a little clearing up in the garden and prep for the year ahead. But February is often the coldest month of the year, with surprise wind, rain and even snow – so I always approach this month with cautious optimism. Spring IS coming, but not just yet. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
So on the allotment I have spent some time mulching my no dig beds with PlantGrow and with only limited time, I managed to mulch the whole plot in a matter of days. I love layering it on the soil knowing the nutrients will be taken down when it rains. The worms will incorporate it into the soil, improving the structure and later on, feeding my plants.
I’ve also completely tidied up my fruit cage, even removed some old Tayberries that were taking over and cutting back my autumn fruiting raspberries then mulching. It looks so tidy right now and at least I can get in the door now the Gooseberries have been cut back a little.
Mostly, at this time of year I look back on previous years scrolling through photos of the allotment and planning what I will start sowing in just a matter of weeks. It’s exciting and I can’t wait for the year ahead, but also I appreciate this time to relax, plan and observe the winter weather. winter garden.
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